So, I don’t know what it is about house projects that make me want to write it all down, but that’s what seems to happen. If you want a reminder of the fun of our last house project, see my old blog. However, with Matt now working for GitHub, he’s set this up and I’m learning how to use it - bear with me - or just look away…

DAY 1 - 29th January 2020 Or at least, day one of owning this house - keys released to us at about midday. It was Matt’s day off, so he had to spend all morning with me on tenterhooks waiting for the phone call. He was mostly very patient with me, whilst I wasn’t patient at all (how CAN it take over an hour between two solicitors acknowledging the purchase was complete?!)

We finally headed over with the most important objects (kettle, tea and mugs), to appreciate it being ours and fail to do most things that I thought might be vital. We didn’t actually stay for long, as Matt was feeling fairly grotty. The house is around the corner from the house we are renting, so it’s only a 5 walk or a very quick cycle. My bike will be a good pack horse for all the bits and pieces over the next few weeks. Not much else done with house today, except for some list making ready to meet a builder tomorrow.