The aim of this post is to give simple instructions on how to write a blog post for this web site. Mostly because the instructions I could find where all wrong in some respect!

  1. Ensure you are logged into GitHub.

  2. Navigate to

  3. Click ‘Create new file’

  4. In the box title “Name your file…” put in a file name in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD-hyphen-separeted-title.markdown. See other files in that directory for examples. Don’t use spaces in the filename.

  5. In the large text box add the following:

layout: post
title:  "TITLE"
date:   YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS +0000
categories: CAT-1 CAT-2


  • TITLE: Should be the blog title
  • YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS: Should be the current date
  • CAT-#: Are category names. You can make these up!
  1. Under that enter your blog post. The text is in Markdown format. Instructions on the Mastering Markdown page.

    Note there is a Preview button which will give a basic idea of how the page will look. But it is not 100% accurate.

  2. In the box ‘Commit new file’ enter a short title for the commit. “Add blog post for YYYY-MM-DD” is fine. Also add a longer description if you feel it is necessary.

  3. Ensure “Commit directly to the master branch” is selected. (Yes this is extremely bad practice - but I did say “simple”).

  4. Click the green “Commit new file” button.

  5. Wait up to 20 minutes for the blog to land on the homepage.